Atlanta Helical Rack
1/2012 Dimensions in mm ZA 1
Overview of Helical Racks
Class Quality Module Total Tooth Thickness Max. Max. Feed Force per Applications (examples)
Pitch Error Tolerance Length Pinion Contact
(m/m) (m) (mm) (kN)
4 5 12 -13 1000 76.5 High Precision Machine Tools
6 12 -13 1000 109.0 with Electrical Preload
8 12 -13 960 191.0
10 12 -13 1000 287.5
12 12 -13 1000 409.0
5 2 26 -15 2000 20.5 Machine Tools, Lifting Axis,
3 26 -15 2000 31.0 Multiple Pinion Contact
4 26 -15 2000 60.0
5 26 -15 2000 92.0
6 2 36 -37 2000 19.5 Wood, Plastic, Composite,
3 36 -37 2000 31.0 Aluminium Working Machines
4 36 -37 2000 60.0
6 1.5 36 -37 1000 9.0 Machine Tools, Integrated Racks
2 36 -37 2000 15.5 Water Cutting Machines,
3 36 -37 2000 28.5 Tube Bending Systems,
4 36 -37 2000 51.5 Plasma Cutting Machines
5 36 -22 2000 76.0
6 36 -22 2000 109.0
8 36 -22 1920 191.0
10 36 -22 1500 287.0
12 36 -22 1000 409.0
7 2 52 -51 2000 16.0 Woodworking machines,
3 52 -51 2000 29.0 Linear Axis with High Requirement
4 52 -51 2000 52.5 for a smooth Running
5 52 -37 2000 77.0
6 52 -37 2000 110.0
8 52 -37 1920 192.5
10 52 -37 1500 289.0
8 2 60 -59 1000 13.5 Portals, Handling
3 60 -59 1000 24.5 Linear Axis
4 60 -59 1000 44.0
5 60 -59 1000 64.5
8 2 100 -110 2000 8.0 Linear Axis
3 100 -110 2000 14.0
4 100 -110 2000 27.0
5 100 -110 2000 31.0
9 1.5 150 -110 2000 1.5 Linear Axis with Low Load
2 150 -110 2000 4.0 Feed Units for Adjustment
3 150 -110 2000 7.0
4 150 -110 2000 13.5
5 150 -110 2000 16.0
6 150 -110 2000 23.0
8 150 -110 1920 41.5
10 150 -110 1000 53.5
10 1.5 200 -110 1000 3.5 Lifting Axis, Handling,
2 200 -110 2000 9.5 Welding Robots
3 200 -110 2000 17.5
4 200 -110 2000 32.0
5 200 -110 2000 49.0
6 200 -110 2000 67.5
8 200 -110 1920 118.5
10 200 -110 1000 178.5
12 200 -110 1000 252.5
Ultra High Precision Rack
High Precision Rack
Precision Rack
Basic Rack
When using the maximum capacity of the teeth, or multiple pinions in contact, the mounting screw loads must be checked
Overview of Helical 1) Racks
Class Series Module Page
48 .. ... 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 Induction-Hardened 4 ZA-4
29 .. ... 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Case-Hardened 5 ZA-5
29 .. ... 2, 3, 4 Case-Hardened 6 h ZA-6
29 .. ... 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 Induction-Hardened 6 h ZA-7
29 .. ... 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 Induction-Hardened 7 h ZA-8
39 .. ... 2, 3, 4, 5 Induction-Hardened 8 h ZA-9
38 .. ... 2, 3, 4, 5 Quenched and 8 e 27 ZA-10
47 .. ... 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 Soft 9 e 27 ZA-11
39 .. ... 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 Induction-Hardened 10 e 27 ZA-1213
Selection and Load Tables ZA-3038
Electronically Controlled Lubricators, Sliding-Type Lubricating Brushes and Hose-Connection Sets ZE-2 6
Felt Gear and Mounting Shaft ZE-7 8
Mounting ZF-9
of Teeth
of Teeth
1) All our helical racks are right hand, except the companion racks, which are left hand!